Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Pilgrim's Progress - Bodice

I've never put so much effort into something that is supposed to be just for fun. That having been said, I'm learning as I go. I worked with math to expand the patterns. I learned what a forehead cloth is and how to wear it. That one really puzzled me. Now I'm working with the "muslin" or what is sometimes called a toile for the waistcoat. I could tell that the back was not going to be wide enough so I added a few inches to the center back. This seems to be because of my cup size. With this extra there is a gap in the center which will have to be taken in.  I will have to adjust the armscyes (arm holes in pattern pieces) which are too low for sleeves. It's a good thing I'm not intimidated by sewing. I make mistakes but I find it a good way to learn.  Pictures to follow.

Here's a doll I found with a more realistic outfit.

This idea was supposed to be a once a done thing so I didn't want to invest a lot of money in historical patterns, more fabric (when I have a small closet and plastic tubs already filled with fabric). I have, in the past,  used the Elizabethan Corset Generator found here:   to make both Elizabethan corsets and bodices for myself and friends. So I went back to the familiar and started by creating a pattern for an Elizabethan corset with my own measurements. I then took the instructions I had, one step further to Drea Leed's instructions to making a bodice with your corset pattern:

I need to find tune the pattern and actually cut the pieces and begin sewing it together. That is scheduled for this weekend. 

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